Kalabhairava Mantra

Kalabhairava – Bhairava is a fierce wandering manifestation of Lord Shiva associated with annihilation. Bhairava is worshipped by both Hindus and Jains alike throughout India and Nepal. Kaala Shakti Bhairava – is the Lord who controls the Shakti of Kaala – the Power of Time. Among the 64 Bhairavas, the major 8 Bhairavas are called Aṣṭāṅga Bhairavas. They control the 8 directions of the universe. All of the Bhairavas are ruled and controlled by Kala Bhairava , the supreme ruler. Lord Kala Bhairava is also known as the guardian of the temple and guardian of travellers . For more information about Kalabhairava Mantra